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bremenports GmbH & Co. KG

Realisation of an alarm centre for the port area Bremen/Bremerhaven

The company

Since January 2002, bremenports GmbH & Co. KG has been managing the Bremen / Bremerhaven port group on behalf of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (municipality). The main tasks of bremenports are:

  •     planning and sales
  •     construction maintenance
  •     facility operation
  •     property management
  •     location marketing


Around 130 employees are constantly on duty to keep the facilities (33.9 kilometers of quays, 75 kilometers of roads and canals, 250 kilometers of tracks, 65 bridges, 166 buildings, 5 locks and 9.1 kilometers of dikes) in working order and in a condition that is safe for traffic. To achieve this, bremenports GmbH & Co. KG permanently modernizes important components of the port infrastructure. These include, above all, the locks, which enable shipping to call at the ports independently of the tides.

Task and solution

The task included forwarding the alarms that appeared in a higher-level visualization directly to the responsible on-call personnel.

Furthermore, an emergency call number was to be set up that would allow the on-call person from the department of his choice to be quickly connected at any time.

The goal was thus to have an independent alert center that operates fully automatically and without additional personnel.

An alert application was superimposed on the existing visualization with Wizcon Supervisor and communicates directly with it. Thus, the application controls the entire alarm management centrally for the entire port area. The alarms that arise are forwarded directly to the responsible departments. In case of an alarm, the responsible employee receives an SMS as well as a call with the entire alarm text and the alarm time. If the recipient cannot be reached, the next higher alerting instance is notified. This also happens if the alarm has not been processed within 45 minutes.

To ensure that the system can alert the correct recipient at any time, the existing shift schedules are entered into Alert. The shift schedules can be edited via the Alert clients or from the intranet via a web frontend. However, data can only be changed if the user is authorized to do so. Like almost all events, these are logged on the server pair.

In order to be able to guarantee the highest possible reliability, the application was installed on a highly available server, which in turn is connected to a second server system in the master backup network. Due to the high availability of the hardware and the fact that one alarm receiver always has several receivers above it in the hierarchy, the system works very reliably.

The project in compact

  • administration of the Bremen/Bremerhaven port group
  • 33.9 km quays, 75 km roads and canals, 250 km tracks, 65 bridges, 166 buildings, 5 locks, 9.1 km dikes
  • alarm forwarding via SMS and voice mail
  • high availability
  • connection to Wizcon via TCP/IP
  • intuitive and easy operation via clients or web
  • remote access